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Östarreich-Boayern, officially the Republic of Austria-Bavaria and Venice.

A map of Austria-Bavaria (the Austro-Bavarian Empire) according to my scenario. Due to the many multilingual names it might appear somewhat crowded at certain places. I apologise for that in advance.

Make sure you view this map in full view, it's much more beautiful that way! Push the Download button please!

Searching for all the names in all the different languages was hell of a job, however very educational as well, teaching you a lot about the history of certain places. I also had a lot of fun designing Cyrillic alphabets for different languages, that being Croatian (which was easy, I picked the Serbian one), Slovene, Prekmurian (both also quite easy) and Czech. Especially the Czech language proved a difficult one to do that for, since I had to go full into study mode at the Czech language, the pronunciation and spelling. Eventually a mix of the Ukrainian and Serbian Cyrillic alphabets came out, but if you think you can see a mistake here or there, please don't be shy to tell me! I think designing Cyrillic alphabets for Latinized languages was the most fun here, but also extremely difficult, even though I myself have the luck to be a fluent speaker of two languages that use Cyrillic alphabets, it only makes me imagine it would have been much harder if that was not the case. Sweating a little... 

The language

Austria-Bavaria features many languages of which the most common is Bavarian, a standardised version of the Bavarian dialect of Deutch, heavily influenced by the latter, also by its presence in the northern regions of Austria-Bavaria, especially in Bohemia (Böhmen), Moravia (Mahren) and Silesia (Schlesien). Next to Deutch and Bavarians there are also Allemanians in the west, in particular Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg and Boayernisch Schwabenland, all three of which districts have autonomy (indicated by the red district line). Collectively the Deutch, Bavarians, Allemanians and the in Austria-Bavaria absent (that is, in large numbers) Luxembourgish are grouped as the so-called Hochdeutsche (High Germans, commonly known in the English language), even though this is not an official denotation. Apart from the Hochdeutsche there are also other Germanic peoples in the 'empire', in particular the Goths in Übermur (Bimaùra).

Slavs are also present in great numbers in the empire, in particular in former Slovenia and the Czech Republic there remain to be quite a few (Böhmen, Mahren, Schlesien, Krain, Istrien, Steiermark). In Übermur the Prekmurian dialect of Slovene has been classified as a separate language and made official. Also notable are the large numbers of Croats along the coast. Most Yugoslavs in Austria are called Croats, while in Serbia they are usually refferred to as Serbians, even though the whole Yugoslav area of speech is one big dialect continuum.

All four Prekmurian, Croatian, Slovenian and Czech have the status of being a language of the empire, along with Bavarian, Istriot, Istro-Romanian, Venetian, Friulian and Ladin, meaning the Austro-Bavarian empire is the 'heimat' of these languages, and that they are not official state languages in other countries. This also means those people cannot have autonomy from the empire, since they themselves form the empire. The only exception is the Free Republic of Veneto, since the empire is the result of a fusion between Austria-Bavaria and the Republic of Veneto, even though the current state is also called Austria-Bavaria in common speech. On an ethnic map this difference can also be seen. Whereas in most places throughout the empire there is a significant percentage of Hochdeutsche, they are represented in remarkably low numbers in the Veneto Republic. Your language being a state language means that all services are present in your language along with many others. The inhabitants of different districts are required to have the neccessary knowledge of one another's language, and most Austro-Bavarians are therefore fluent in multiple languages. The most common languages of communication however, remain Bavarian and Deutch, and Venetian in the Veneto Republic.

Cities and the states

Squares indicate cities with populations over half a million, big circles indicate cities with a population from 100 000 to half a million and small circles indicate cities with a population from 50 000 to 100 000. Red cities are capitals of provinces and districts. Bold city-names are capitals of districts. The biggest city is Wean, which also happens to be the capital, with 4.7 million inhabitants. Austria-Bavaria is divided up into various states, some with separate provinces.

The states are listed as follows:

1. Unterfranken (Franken)
2. Oberfranken (Franken)
3. Mittelfranken (Franken)
4. Owerpfålz
5. Egerland (Behmen)
6. Westsudetenland (Behmen)
7. Mittelsudetenland (Behmen)
8. Mittelbehmen (Behmen)
9. Pardubitz (Behmen)
10. Ostsudetenland (Behmen)
11. Owersasauland (Behmen)
12. Sidbehmen (Behmen)
13. Pilserland (Behmen)
14. Iglau (Mähren)
15. Mährisch-Saarland (Mähren)
16. Mittelmähren (Mähren)
17. Nordmähren (Mähren)
18. Ostmähren (Mähren)
19. Owerschlesien (Schlesien)
20. Oderland (Schlesien)
21. Bialenland (Schlesien)
22. Schwabenland
23. Owerboayern (Boayern)
24. Niedaboayern (Boayern)
25. Westmark
26. Östarreich
27. Nordburgnland (Burgnland)
28. Sidburgnland (Burgnland)
29. Murland
31. Owersteiamark (Steiamark)
32. Untasteiamark (Steiamark)
33. Såizburg
34. Nordtirol (Tirol)
35. Sidtirol (Tirol)
36. Treant (Tirol)
37. Vorarlberg
38. Liechtenstein
39. Dolomitanien (Friaul)
40. Portenau (Friaul)
41. Weiden (Friaul)
42. Niedakrain (Krain)
43. Mittelkrain (Krain)
44. Owerkrain (Krain)
45. Littoral (Julischvenezien)
46. Istrien (Julischvenezien)
47. Pfaum (Niederdalmatien)
48. Östarreichisch-Kroatien (Niederdalmatien)
49. Littland (Mitteldalmatien)
50. Lader (Mitteldalmatien)
51. Sidkrain (Mitteldalmatien)
52. Owerdalmatien (Neivenezien)
53. Schwarzberg-Herzland (Neivenezien)
54. Trevis (Venezien)
55. Venedig (Venezien)
56. Estenland (Venezien)
57. Zimberland (Venezien)
58. Vernland (Venezien)
59. Röving (Venezien)

Since I do not speak Bavarian, Gothic, Prekmurian or (Cyrillic) Czech, I tried to make the names for the regions and cities as realistic as possible, but please correct me if I made any mistakes. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them.

I like to hear what you think. :) (Smile)
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